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Trying to Conceive? What You Need to Know About Stress and Fertility

At a Glance: Stress affects fertility according a recent study, showing that a particular nerve cell in the brain which is heightened during stressful situations, suppresses the reproductive system. Keys to reducing stress: Evaluate your nutrition Sleep more Develop a mindfulne...

For Me, Mindfulness Saved My Pregnancy

At a Glance: Serving as another real-life experience behind Expectful's mission to improve maternal mental health, our CEO used daily meditation to extend her high-risk pregnancy and lessen the effects of pre-term labor. Research is what backs Expectful's mission: Women who used Expe...
Story & Interview

Who Do I Really Need at the Birth?

This is Rebecca's story. "I always thought I wanted my mom there, but actually, it wasn't the best for me." Listen to Ziska's well-planned, beautiful homebirth story that includes unexpected reflections, particularly on who she ended up wanting and needing at her birth.

5 S’s For A Well-Rested Baby

The 5 S’s were coined by pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp as 5 ways to soothe a baby to sleep. Many of these mimc sounds and experiences they felt while in the womb so they find them comforting.
Story & Interview

The Truth About C-Section Recovery

This is Lindsay's story. "If I had known all these things, then it wouldn't have been so scary!" C-sections are known for their tough recoveries, but still, everyone handles them differently. Here is Lindsay's real experience with the recovery, including details to help manage expectations.
Story & Interview

Cervical Cerclage: Not a Spa Treatment

This is Puno's story. "It's called an 'incompetent cervix,' but my husband calls it an 'eager cervix.'" From sex to squats to the splits - Puno talks through all the things she's having to give up in her pregnancy now that she's on pelvic rest due to the rare condition of a shortened cervix. Than...

Relief from Anxiety

During pregnancy, anxiety can arise from anything. In this meditation, we will try a let go of those worries and find a place of calm.
Story & Interview

Infusing Culture into Parenting

This is Kristen's story. "Culture's really a tricky thing. There's just so much history of racism in America that it affects what I can pass on because it affected what skills I learned." Kristen explains how past generations in her family strayed away from their native culture so as to better as...

Unique Gender Reveal Ideas: 9 Creative Ideas To Try

You have seen them all over the internet and social media—unique gender reveal ideas. It seems like everyone is revealing their baby's gender—or sex—in an over-the-top way.  For some, these reveals are big parties, and for others, they are often cute photos or gifts shared. The best part about...
Story & Interview

Body Positivity During Pregnancy

This is Jillian's story. "I never had morning sickness, I had the opposite—I had hunger pangs! I gained, like, 20 pounds in the 1st trimester." Jillian learned to love, honor, and appreciate the growth of her body during pregnancy.