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Meditation Pregnancy


It’s like prenatal vitamins for the mind. And we’re not the only ones to say so: meditation is scientifically proven to help both you and your baby, with known benefits from fertility through motherhood.

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Why Meditation?

“Mindfulness-based interventions, like meditation, have been associated with reduced perceived stress, anxiety, and depression in adults. Considering the importance of maternal health on birth outcomes, reducing maternal emotional distress can improve maternal wellbeing during pregnancy and health outcomes for her child.”
See why meditation works during your stage:
2021, Meditation and Mindfulness in Pregnancy and Postpartum: A Review of the Evidence, Babbar et al
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    Perfect way to begin the morning: calming the mind, connecting to the breath, energizing the body.


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    This meditation has helped me exit anxiety attacks and panic attacks. It has helped me breathe through a variety of situations in which I have felt overwhelming sadness and abandonment.It has reminded me that I have strength to get through anything and everything. Thank you


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    Perfect topics for this time in my life. Completely new to meditation. So appreciative for the peace and calm it brings, amidst this stressful/anxious time in my life, my mind, and my body.


    Prepare for Labor and Life with Baby

    Meditation can help you manage the physical and emotional waves that present themselves as you enter motherhood. Thriving in childbirth and childrearing.
    Prepare for Labor and Life with Baby

    Black Mamas Meditate

    It’s indisputable that Black women face an entirely different set of challenges than other pregnant women, from systemic inequities to health conditions. That’s why we created a meditation pack specifically for these challenges, addressing the critical needs of black women during the motherhood journey. Let us assure you, what you are feeling is valid, and you are certainly not alone.
    Black Mamas Meditate

    Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Uncertainty

    It’s normal to feel nervous about this big newness in your life. Your mind races, wondering about all of the “what ifs” in preconception, pregnancy, birth, and motherhood. And although you know you can’t control your experience, you also can’t turn off the part of you that wants to. Meditation can help you feel more at peace with your path, wherever it leads.
    Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Uncertainty
    Expectful has supported over 500,000 families on their journey to parenthood.