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Top 10 Tips For New Moms From Lauren Zander

Top 10 Tips For New Moms From Lauren Zander

Top 10 Tips For New Moms From Lauren Zander Pregnancy

Written By
Anna Gannon

Anna Gannon

July 3, 2018

When I became a new mom, my life was all over the place.

Every day felt like a training day.

From getting a handle on breastfeeding to successfully changing diapers to learning how to put / keep my newborn baby asleep, everything was an uphill battle. And of course, as any moms reading this can attest to, the moment I did get the hang of any of these, my daughter’s habits would immediately change and I’d be right back to the drawing board.

With all of this “newness” going on, my focus and energy solely flooded towards my daughter. I had little, if any time to look outside of my new motherhood box and into the other areas in my life. This left a lot of things going to the back burner, including my physical health, my relationship with my husband, my nutrition and my personal time.

Looking back, I had numerous blind spots after having my daughter and by not seeing them, I made my postpartum journey more difficult than it had to be.

Realizing this, I reached out to the Cofounder of Handel Group and author of Maybe It’s You, Lauren Zander, to find out the top 10 ten pitfalls that new mothers run into after having a baby and what steps we recan take to avoid them.

After coaching thousands of clients over the years, including Fortune 500 CEOs and top celebrities like Hugh Jackman, and Destiny Child’s Michelle Williams, I couldn’t think of anyone better equipped to identify where we get stuck in postpartum, and how we can get ourselves unstuck. [Not to mention the fact that she’s got three children under the age of 15] I hope Lauren’s thoughts and tips below inspire you to live your best motherhood journey.

The Top 10 pitfalls women run into as new moms (or about to be new moms!) and how to avoid ‘em by Lauren Zander

I’m not sure any of these are terribly original, but, Lord knows, they can use repeating and repeating to help us remember. No matter what, getting conscious of these pitfalls is a huge step in the right direction

Anna Gannon
Anna Gannon
Anna is a mother, writer, and a yoga and meditation teacher. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen and Yoga Today.
