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The Importance Of Self-Care For Moms

The Importance Of Self-Care For Moms

The Importance Of Self-Care For Moms Parenthood

Written By
Anna Gannon

Anna Gannon

July 29, 2018

When I was eight years old my parents divorced.

My mom who had spent the last 17 years being a stay at home mom to seven children had to start working three jobs just to make ends meet. As time passed I remember her health deteriorating because she was putting all of her focus on her children’s well-being, and none on herself.

At the time I couldn’t fully understand what my mother was going through or how hard she was struggling. My mom was dealing with heartbreak from her divorce, money issues and exhaustion from lack of sleep. I remember being so scared to lose her during those years because she refused to do anything that was beneficial for her.

After a few years, my mother turned a corner. She started exercising again, spent more time with friends and began doing more things that fulfilled her outside of my siblings and I.

I remember feeling the shift in her, and how much joy it brought into our home. When mom felt more alive, my siblings and I did too.

Now as a new mom I think back on this often. Every time that I second guess leaving my daughter with my husband to take a walk or a yoga class. Every time I need to do anything for me, I think “I would have wanted my mother to do this.”

It’s my belief that we need to remind ourselves that just as much as we love our children, they love us and want us to feel good. Just as we want them to feel safe, happy and nurtured, they want us to feel fulfilled, happy and cared for.

I’ve had a difficult time with self-care since the moment I became pregnant, and it’s taken me a long time to decide to make it my number one priority.

If you’re thinking right now “Anna, my situation is tough, I don’t have support or time” I totally get it. But what I really want to drive home here is that self-care is anything that makes you feel more connected to you. It’s one minute, one instant, or one second to take a breath or a simple pause. The more you start weaving in these moments, the more it will become a daily practice. It’s not always easy, but the more I practiced including this time for me, the more I realized how much it made me a better mother, partner and friend.

Below are three simple reminders that help me to incorporate more self-care into my life. I hope they inspire you to do the same.

Anna Gannon
Anna Gannon
Anna is a mother, writer, and a yoga and meditation teacher. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen and Yoga Today.
