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Postpartum Help Myths: Our Experts Tell it Like it Is

Postpartum Help Myths: Our Experts Tell it Like it Is

Our maternal wellness experts debunk myths surrounding the postpartum period, encouraging you to get the postpartum help you need.

Written By
Emily Watson

Emily Watson

August 18, 2021

Truth: the postpartum period is full of new, unexpected experiences and emotions. Bigger truth: many new moms don’t realize there are people out there that specialize in postpartum help and are available in an accessible, affordable, virtual way.

We recently hosted a roundtable with our top wellness experts who are leading the charge at Expectful Servicesa new offering that is designed to easily (and quickly!) connect you with maternal wellness experts, building your ultimate mama village – where they debunked some of the common misconceptions about the postpartum period, especially when it comes to infant feeding & sleeping, and mom nutrition. As mothers ourselves, we hung onto every word that was shared by our specialists and were once again, so in-awe of their assembly… we like to say that they have a mama-it-factor. They just get it.

Because we were so enlightened ourselves, we wanted to share the highlights with you.

Postpartum Help: Expert Myth Busting

Myth #1: The best time to seek postpartum help with a lactation consultant is when you’re already having a problem.

As Carrie Dean, IBCLC and Expectful advisor shared, “Do. Not. Wait! There are actually several factors that will indicate that a mother should even have a prenatal breastfeeding consultation—inverted nipples, previous breast surgeries, autoimmune or hormonal imbalances, all of which affect feeding and milk supply.”

“In preparation for postpartum, I always say to have a lactation consultant on speed dial, because the breastfeeding relationship is so intricate that if one thing goes even slightly askew, that can snowball very quickly.” Read more of Carrie’s Top 5 Truths about lactation here.

Myth #2. Lactation consultants only help with breastfeeding.

Lactation consultant is a quasi-misnomer because they can help with so much more than lactation; they help you navigate all baby feeding issues. Whether it’s stopping breastfeeding, supplementing with formula, exclusively pumping, or a blend of all three. Together, you’ll come up with a plan that supports your physical and emotional health as well as your baby’s.

Myth #3: Sleep help is just for babies and first-time moms.

Julie Connelly, certified pediatric sleep consultant and Expectful advisor, shares that she helps toddlers, preschoolers, or even third-time moms! “Every child is so unique even though we all have average sleep needs. I actually didn’t need help with sleep for my first child, but my second child, I did! No matter if you’re a second-time or third-time Mom, you don’t need to have all the answers!” Connelly digs into even more pediatric sleep truths here.

Myth #4: In-person postpartum support is so much better than virtual support when it comes to personal mom wellness.

Our experts shared a resounding “False!” arguing that virtual care can be even more impactful than in-person care.

Janine Higbie, MS, CNS and perinatal nutritionist advisor at Expectful shared, “I’ve seen many unexpected benefits with virtual appointments in my own practice. For one, talking about food and nutrition can be very emotionally charged, so it can feel more comfortable discussing it from the privacy of your own home. Secondly, my clients are more committed than ever because of the convenience of virtual—so they are seeing greater success in achieving their goals.” Read more of Higbie’s nutrition-truths during your motherhood journey.

Carrie Dean, IBCLC, says “One of the coolest things I’ve seen out of virtual care is the partner getting more involved. They are much more comfortable with the virtual appointment process and more engaged in the treatment protocol. And new moms, who usually find it overwhelming to host a stranger in their home, find it easier than ever to reach out for support. It’s a win-win.”

Myth #5: Prenatal and postpartum nutrition means giving up certain foods.

“’Prenatal and postpartum nutrition is about focusing on nourishing foods to include instead of just what to exclude or restrict.” says Janine Higbie, MS, CNS. “Lean into the specific nutrients in foods that help nourish Mom and Baby—whether to support baby’s development in the womb or to support lactation and post-birth recovery and healing. Embracing this positive relationship with food is essential to cultivating a more positive relationship with your changing body.”

The entire idea of Expectful Services derived from the real needs that we ourselves faced as new moms. We wanted to build a platform that made these maternal experts more easily accessible and approachable than what we faced – deep google searches, endless review reading, and shockingly expensive commitments… everything just seemed to be a high-priced gamble. We hope you find the exact opposite at Expectful Services: an easy-to-navigate database of extensively vetted specialists (we made sure they are not only qualified professionally, but that they have that “mama-it-factor!”), available to you for a variety of appointments at more affordable prices, and the best part? It’s all virtual, so stay right where you are, mama. Help is coming to you.

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
Emily Watson serves as Head of Services at Expectful and has spent years writing about maternal wellness after going through her own fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood journey. She loves inspiring women to lean on their village, believing that motherhood is better when done together. A certified yoga instructor and health coach, she whole-heartedly embraces the Expectful mission.
