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How Do I Get My Baby to Sleep? 5 Unexpected Truths for Pediatric Sleep

How Do I Get My Baby to Sleep? 5 Unexpected Truths for Pediatric Sleep

How do I get baby to sleep through the night? It all starts at the beginning with a pediatric baby sleep consultant. Read her advice here.

Written By
Virginia Furnari

Virginia Furnari

Expectful Team
July 20, 2021

As a relatively new mom, there’s one phrase that I’ve either thought or said out loud more than any other over the past year of my life, and first year of my daughter’s life: Please, baby, go to sleep.

Baby sleep is a tricky business. Some parents follow a strict schedule, some take the baby’s lead, some just pray that the baby closes their eyes and finds rest for longer than twenty minutes. What’s more, is that books, social media, and your mom-friends all have recommendations on how to approach this cloudy party of new motherhood. The good news? There’s a professional out there that can help you with setting your baby up for sleepy success with evidence-back techniques — say hello to a Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

Pediatric Sleep Consultants are trained professionals who can help parents and babies find patterns and sleep routines that make for a happier, healthier life. Especially during the postpartum period, sleep is one of the most vital needs for mama’s recovery. You just birthed a baby after all, and you need (read: deserve!) a good night’s sleep!

I met with Expectful’s Pediatric Sleep Advisor (and a Sleep Consultant on our new Services platform) who dropped some major baby-sleep-truths. Julie Connelly, also known as The Sleepyhead Coach, is a mother herself and has not only studied up on baby sleep habits, but she has lived the trials and tribulations of them first hand. With two daughters, she backs up her recommendations with evidence and real-life testing.

To kick off our conversation, Connelly hit me with maybe one of the best truths of all: that Mom’s don’t need to walk around with a No-Sleep Badge. It shouldn’t feel like a “rite of passage.” Finding your baby sleep is also a gift to you, and that’s just as important.

I knew we were about to have a great exchange at that point…

Can your partner help you catch some Zzzzs? Yup. Read More Here.

5 Unexpected Truths for Pediatric Sleep

For this interview, in order to get some good nuggets of information for you to walk away with, I devised a “game” to let the truths shine. It’s called, The Unexpected, By Expectful (check out The Unexpected Nutrition and The Unexpected Lactation blogs with our other advisors!). I proposed a set of prompts (some true or false, some fill-in-the-blank) to Connelly, and she knocked them out of the park.

If you want to take the first steps to understanding how to approach your current or future situation at home, read on for Connelly’s expertise.

1) True or False: To get the best results, you need to have a Sleep Consultant monitor your baby’s sleep in real time.

Connelly: That is false! Actually, I think one of my favorite things about being a sleep consultant is that it can be done virtually. It can be done via Zoom if you want to get that personal connection, or it can even be done over the phone if you’re multi-tasking with another child running around. Also, one of the cool things I get to do is work across time zones and borders and countries! So I think that’s a really cool thing about being virtual – that you, as a mother, can pick and choose a sleep consultant that really aligns with your personality and your parenting style, regardless of where you’re physically located.

2) The complaint I hear from every mom is _______.

Connelly: Something along the lines of, “My child hates sleep!” or “My child was never a good sleeper.” I hear it all the time, so what I want to remind parents is that sleep is natural. So then we have to think about ‘how do I get my child that restorative sleep they need to thrive and grow?’ and that’s where you can work with a sleep consultant to help your child develop a healthy sleep foundation and get the sleep they need. Like I said, sleep is natural and this is something they can do. And under [a parent’s] loving guidance and support, [the baby] can get there. There is hope!

3) My most fool-proof tip is _________.

Connelly: Well, the one that you probably hear all the time is, “Sleep when the baby is sleeping,” but I think that is something we can all agree, as parents, is just not that helpful. I always joke that, “Okay, and do the laundry when the baby’s doing laundry!”

So my favorite tip is establishing a bedtime routine from the get-go. Establishing these patterns and steps that happen consistently in the same order each night, not only gives your child the cues that sleep is coming, but it’s extremely comforting, it provides security for them and [promotes] bonding with your baby. And if you don’t have one, it’s never too late to try one or change one.

Having a bedtime routine is one of my favorite, foolproof tips to implement from the beginning.

4) True or False: The best time to contact a sleep consultant is when you’re having a problem with baby sleep.

Connelly: False! There are many opportunities where it’s really helpful to reach out to sleep consultant, especially in the newborn phase. Maybe there aren’t “problems,” but maybe there are things that you need to know, or maybe you want to bounce ideas off a sleep expert so that you can better navigate next steps to come — it can help you feel prepared. It can also help for things you know are coming, like schedule changes, maybe you’re traveling and need some tips, weaning from the pacifier, transitioning to a big-kid bed… There are so many transitions around sleep where talking to an expert can be really helpful.

5) Sleep help isn’t just for babies and new moms, it’s also for _____.

Connelly: It’s also for toddlers, preschoolers, third-time moms, or even sixth-time moms! Every child is so different and unique even though we all have average sleep needs. Just because your first child had this nap schedule or used that training method doesn’t mean it’s going to work for your second child. Maybe your toddler was sleeping really great, but then at 2 or 3, they hit a regression with a lot of changes in their world. For me personally, I didn’t need help with sleep for my first child, but my second child, I did! I didn’t know where to turn, so I just hope Moms [reading] this will feel seen and heard – that no matter if you’re a second-time or third-time Mom, you don’t need to have all the answers!

Something that I loved that Connelly said prior to the recorded interview was that figuring out baby sleep affects the whole family. Whether it’s just a couple of you in the house or you have yourself a zoo – you recognize that if the baby is happy, healthy, and getting good sleep, it shifts the whole house into a better place. When you find sleep for the baby, Connelly says, “there’s a sense of peace that is restored back in your home.” We couldn’t agree more.

Want to meet one-on-one with Julie Connelly, Expectful’s Pediatric Sleep Consultant Advisor? Click Here
Virginia Furnari
Virginia Furnari
Expectful Team
Virginia Hamilton Furnari serves as Head of Content at Expectful and has a background in writing, branding, and content production, primarily around fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. Additionally, and maybe most importantly, she is a mother. Her professional skillset and personal experience with infertility and the journey to parenthood has connected her mind, body, and soul to the Expectful mission.
