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Slyvia Hall on How to Avoid the Mom-Stress Spiral

Slyvia Hall on How to Avoid the Mom-Stress Spiral

As Moms, it's hard to keep passions and goals outside of family. With supplements and a good attitude, Hall shares advice on thriving.

Written By
Virginia Furnari

Virginia Furnari

May 10, 2022

Stop and think for a moment: what are stressing about right now? Home to-dos? Childcare? Shopping list for baby? Relationships? Something that’s going on at work? As a mother, you juggle a lot of your family logistics, plus you are biologically wired to feel a deep need to protect, love, and nurture your baby or babies. So, when someone says, “Just relax! It’ll all be okay!” you want to scream. That’s why we brought in someone to talk about this stress-spiral who lives this type of life, but has figured out a way to cope with the weight of it all. Meet Sylvia Hall.

Sylvia Hall isn’t just a founder of a successful supplement brand and popular podcast – she’s an experienced Mama with wisdom, stories, and encouragement to share. The Lifted Naturals founder sat down with Expectful CEO, Nathalie Walton, to discuss life’s daily challenges as mothers and how quickly things can sometimes seem to spiral. Both women offer their own perspective, stories, encouragement, and tips on the subject, touching specifically on nutrition and sleep and how those elements can influence Mom-stress.

Bacteria & Stress: Another Mind/Body Connection That Needs Attention

Sylvia Hall calls out the scientific evidence that supports how your nutritional intake can directly affect your stress levels and how you cope. She also shares her anecdotal, real story about her own experience of depleting her body of a balanced microbiome (and thus, a clear mind) after her second child, which sparked her entrepreneurial venture of Lifted Naturals, a supplement company that has the primary focus of supporting your mood through nutrition—boosting your emotional health through your gut.

“Finding Time in the Cracks”

One of the major pieces of advice that Hall has for the listeners, especially those with an entrepreneurial spirit and little kiddos, is to find time in the cracks of life to do things that feel good. If that means working on a business plan or taking a bath, do whatever you need to promote a healthy headspace and progress your life in the direction you want—which, spoiler alert, doesn’t have to be linear. You don’t have to solely identify as Mom, and your don’t have to give up everything you were working on prior to children. In fact, just like Hall, you may be newly inspired after having kids with an even stronger passion for something new, inventive, and purposeful.

How to Listen to the Advice-Filled Interview with Sylvia Hall and Nathalie Walton

You have a couple ways to listen and share this honest, inspiring interview. First, you can listen on the app here.

Download the Expectful app to experience more science-backed ways of calming stress and anxiety during pregnancy and motherhood.

You can also listen to the full interview below:

Thanks to Sylvia Hall for sitting down with us and giving new moms and moms-to-be a push in the right direction, hope for what we could be, and a reminder that there’s a drive in all of us.

Virginia Furnari
Virginia Furnari
Virginia Hamilton Furnari serves as Head of Content at Expectful and has a background in writing, branding, and content production, primarily around fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. Additionally, and maybe most importantly, she is a mother. Her professional skillset and personal experience with infertility and the journey to parenthood has connected her mind, body, and soul to the Expectful mission.
