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Expectful Brings Access to Mental Health into Brick and Mortar

Expectful Brings Access to Mental Health into Brick and Mortar

Expectful Brings Access to Mental Health into Brick and Mortar Pregnancy

Written By
Nathalie Walton

Nathalie Walton

December 22, 2021

When I joined Expectful in early 2020 I had dreams of expanding access to holistic care for moms and moms-to-be—access that goes beyond the app experience and shows up right where you are, when you need it most. That’s why I couldn’t be more proud to announce that just over a year later, gift cards toward Expectful subscriptions and services are now sold in the family aisle within select CVS stores.

Expectful gift cards are in certain Rhode Island and Massachusetts CVS stores over the 2021 holiday season. Here is the full list of locations:


339 Squire Road – zip 02151
4 Broadway Road – zip 01826
2 Milliston Road – zip 02054
63 Canal Street – zip 01527
207 Market Street – zip 02135
2340 Gar Highway – zip 02777
652 South Street – zip 02093


681 Reservoir Avenue – zip 02910
11 Main Street – zip 02879
East greenwich
1285 S. County Trail – zip 02818
North kingstown
4255 Quaker Lane – zip 02852

Vitamins, Nail Polish, and an Expectful Gift Card

Prior to joining the Expectful team, I was hooked on the app after I took the Hypnobirthing course. I had a high-risk pregnancy that fueled bouts of anxiety and uncertainty (not unlike many of our subscribers), and this course ultimately exposed a secret power within my body. A warrior I hadn’t known before. And each day that exhaustedly came and went thereafter, throughout my very early motherhood days, the urge to support and empower other mothers and moms-to-be became a non-negotiable. I had to do it.

So now that Expectful is available on the shelves of CVS, a place where moms find everything from daily necessities to knick-knacks, we hope to edge a little closer to making such deserved care that spans fertility to childbirth and postpartum to motherhood as commonplace as Tylenol and dark chocolate (which we’ll grab on the way out, too).

I’m honored to have the partnership with CVS, a leader in the healthcare retail space, advancing our mission of healing the world from the inside out, one mom at a time.

In gratitude,

You can also give the gift of support to a mom-friend by purchasing online. View here.
Nathalie Walton
Nathalie Walton
Nathalie Walton is the CEO of Expectful. As a new mother, she experienced the failure of the US healthcare system to nurture the mental and emotional wellbeing of pregnant and new mothers. She joined Expectful to solve this problem.
