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Everything You Need To Know About Sleep Training a Baby

Everything You Need To Know About Sleep Training a Baby

Sleep training a baby can be a challenge. Read our interview with sleep training expert Suzy Giordano to learn how and why to sleep train.

Written By
Anna Gannon

Anna Gannon

December 8, 2018

At a Glance:

  • You cannot create bad habits in the first three months, so focus on feeding rather than sleep training.
  • Falling asleep is an ability that is learned over time. As a parent, all you can do is give your baby the best circumstances to help them develop this essential ability. Think: bedtime routines and safe sleeping measures.
  • Use the “three-minute rule.” If you know your baby is fed and safe but is crying in the night, wait three minutes before going into the room. This allows them to fall back to sleep by themself, without you intervening.
  • Our meditation recommendation: Confident Mothering

Read further for our expert interview.

I thought sleep training was going to be a nightmare.

At 6 months postpartum, my husband and I made the decision to transition our daughter Annabell to the crib. Being new parents, we knew we had no idea how to sleep train a baby but after months of sleep deprivation, we were desperate to get our baby to sleep through the night.

Understandably, this transition didn’t come without obstacles.

Our Start on the Sleep Training Journey

Each night, we’d lay Annabell down in her crib, shut the door, turn on the monitor and stare in disbelief as she screamed and cried at the top of her lungs. It was torture. And no matter how hard we tried to resist going in to soothe her, eventually, one of us would crack, go in and reset the whole sleep training process.

Our first attempts at sleep training didn’t seem to be working very well. So my husband and I made a deal. We agreed we wouldn’t go into Annabell’s room until she had been crying for at least five minutes.

Unfortunately, this didn’t work either because she was still in full-blown freak-out mode when five minutes was up.

I felt helpless.

So one evening, I decided to switch things up. The moment the timer hit five minutes, I turned to my husband and said, “Give her two more minutes.” Although we both hated the idea of her crying more, we knew we had to do something different if we wanted our baby to sleep through the night.

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A Sleep Training Miracle

Just when we thought we’d failed at the whole sleep training thing, something happened. At six minutes and 45 seconds, Annabell’s crying stopped.

Our daughter had finally fallen asleep on her own.

So, we continued our sleep training by waiting at least seven minutes before going into her room. And within a few days, our daughter was falling asleep on her own without crying. She’d learn to soothe herself to sleep rather than relying on us.

While it’s true my husband and I got lucky stumbling on this sleep training outcome, I’ve come to realize getting a baby to sleep through the night is no small feat. Speaking with women through Expectful has shown me that my husband and I aren’t the only parents who’ve struggled with sleep training a baby.

Many new parents want help but don’t know who to turn to for accurate sleep training advice. (And there is a ton out there.)

Sleep Training Advice from an Expert

In my search for reliable advice on how to successfully sleep train a baby, I reached out to Baby Sleep Specialist and author of The Baby Sleep Solution, Suzy Giordano.

I hope Suzy’s answers give you the guidance and confidence to help you train your baby to sleep through the night.​

Q: Is there an ideal sleep schedule to follow during the first year? If so, is that schedule different for a newborn compared to a one-year-old?

A: When babies first come into the world, they have to adjust to the new environment around them. Think about it. Your baby goes from being in a perfect environment where everything is balanced and given to them without hesitation to a not-so-perfect environment where they have to communicate to get what they want.

The First Three Months

The first three months are what I call the transitional time. During this period, I encourage new parents to create a schedule around feedings rather than sleep. I do this because the number one thing you want to focus on as a new parent is helping your baby to gain weight so their body can sustain their new environment.

During the first three months, you can’t create a bad habit. So don’t be afraid to hold, love, and bond with your baby.

Beyond Three Months Old

Towards the end of three months, your baby will begin to get to a magical weight allowing them to sleep for longer stretches throughout the night. There are a couple of signs that’ll tell you your baby is ready for the next phase in sleep training:

  • They have more energy to stay awake and engage with their environment during the day.
  • They are eating less

When your baby hits this point, I recommend having your baby sleep 12 hours through the night and two naps during the day: one two-hour nap in the morning and one two-hour nap in the afternoon.

As your child grows, they’ll be able to manage to stay awake for more extended periods during the day, so you need to alter their nap schedule.

  • One year old: They should be sleeping 12 hours through the night and taking one one-hour nap in the morning and a two-hour nap in the afternoon.
  • Eighteen months old: They shift to needing one two-hour nap in the middle of the day. This continues up until they’re three or four years old.

The Next Step in Sleep Training a Baby: Transitioning to a Crib

Q: When should you transition a baby to the crib?

A: The new guidelines for safely avoiding Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) states a baby should sleep in the same room as their parents until they’re at least six months old.

However, I believe you can transition your baby to the crib at any time. It’s a very personal decision. The crib is the safest place for your baby to sleep so that you can transition at any time, but when you do decide to move your baby to a crib, it will be a learning experience for all of you.

When newly sleeping in a crib, your baby will most likely cry for one to two nights, so set yourself up for success by scheduling this transition at the start of a weekend or a time when your sleep can be more compromised.

Feeling extra sleep-deprived? Your partner can help with that. Read More Here

Q: Is there an ideal time you recommend parents start transitioning their baby to sleep in a crib?

A: Yes, the ideal time to start this transition is around eight weeks. At eight weeks, they start stabilizing, meaning they’re not as cranky, crying as much, and they’re finally beginning to digest their food better, so they aren’t irritated by gas as much.

I always tell parents, if you need to do a big transition, do it between weeks eight and twelve because it will be easier.

Read Our Guide to Newborn Sleep: Months 1-3 View Now

Sleep Training and Crib Safety

Q: What are the precautions all parents should take to avoid SIDs?

A: First of all, I don’t think it can be 100% prevented, but according to the evidence found, it’s essential to have certain things in place to help eliminate it from happening.

The number one thing that you want to keep in mind is safety – it’s imperative. Whatever you do, make sure your baby’s environment within the crib is safe.

A safe crib environment means:

  • No blankets
  • No unbreathable bumpers around the crib
  • Nothing that could compromise your baby’s breathing
  • No loose-fitting sheets
  • No stuffed animals with glued-on parts (to avoid choking)
  • Have a fan on to circulate air, making an optimal breathing environment

But the number one thing you can do to avoid SIDS is not to sleep with your baby in your bed. Your baby has to have a designated safe sleeping space just for them. This will protect them from sliding or rolling in towards something that could restrict their breathing.

*I also want to note here that a year ago, new guidelines came out that said that there was a greater decrease in SIDs for babies who shared a room with their parents. So, having your baby sleep in a crib in the same room could be optimal.

Q: If my newborn begins rolling over in their crib, what should I do?

A: Once your baby develops a new ability like rolling over, they can’t unlearn it. The main thing you need to do is always start your baby lying on their back and stay on guard throughout the night.

Also, a necessary part of sleep training a baby is to have them do a lot of daytime tummy time immediately. Tummy time will help them build enough strength to lift their head and learn how to roll from their tummy to their back.If your baby flips over relatively early, just know you were given a very physical baby! All you can do is help them use their physical strength to learn how to flip the other way.

Bedtime Routines Are Essential in Sleep Training

Q: What is the best way to put my baby to sleep at night?

A: Falling asleep is an ability that is learned over time. As a parent, all you can do is give your baby the best circumstances to help them develop this essential ability. In comes the bedtime routine. An ideal nighttime routine would include:

  • Feeding your baby
  • Bathing your baby
  • Playing soothing background sounds in their room as they fall asleep

Think of this as a time to help your baby transition from an active (day) world to a serene (night) world.

Q: What do I do if my baby immediately cries when I put them to bed after their bedtime routine?

A: Sleep training a baby is all about allowing them to try to do things themselves. Give your baby room to grow and figure it out! Of course, if they absolutely need you, go in to soothe them. But if they don’t, and you just can’t stand listening to their cries, try to give them some time to learn how to fall asleep on their own.

Now, if they get to an emotional place where they’re not learning anything, step in and bring them back to a calm place and try again. The key for you is to start in that magic eight to the twelve-week mark.

I think mothers are empowered when they know they can go in and reassure their baby. You can love them for a bit of bit, reset, and try again. Your position is to be their guide so they can become independent and find strength within themselves.

Sleep Training Obstacles

Q: What can I do when if my baby wakes up every few hours? How can I get my baby to sleep through the night?

A: There are three skills you’re trying to help your baby develop:

  1. Learning how to fall asleep
  2. Learning how to stay asleep
  3. Learning how to wake up happy

In the middle of the night, your number one goal is to eliminate any physical need that your baby could have.
For example, it’s a good idea to write down everything your baby eats. While this might be difficult when you’re sleep-deprived, it may help you weed out the reason for their crying. If you know they were fed and they are still crying, they could just be crying because they want you to help them get back to sleep.

Use the “three-minute rule.” If you know your baby is fed and safe, wait three minutes before going into the room. This allows them to fall back to sleep by themself, without you intervening.

I always say to parents that they go into the room a minute before the miracle happens. So give your baby room to grow.

Read Our Guide to Newborn Sleep: Months 4-6 View Now

Q: If my baby will only fall asleep in my or my partner’s arms, what can I do to change that?

A: Your baby can fall asleep without being held. But you’ve convinced yourself that it’s the only way, so it’s become a crutch. You have to let go of it.

Wait for a weekend to start to begin sleep training a baby, so you don’t have to worry so much about compromising your sleep. Use the above tips to help prepare your baby for bed (feed, bathe, soothing music). Then lay them down.

Of course, they’re going to cry because you’re teaching them something new. It all comes down to you allowing your baby to try to fall asleep on their own.

That’s it.

If you don’t give them the opportunity, they’re going grow accustomed to that crutch, right? You know they really don’t need it, but they think they do. Be there to support them. Use the tips I’ve provided. Believe me. Your baby will get to where they need to be.

Time to Empower Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night!

​New parenthood can be a time of great excitement and one filled with a lot of uncertainty, especially when it comes to things like how to sleep train a baby. I hope that providing you with the education around sleep training through this interview with Suzy Giordano helps you feel empowered in your parenthood journey and gives you the tools you need to help your baby sleep through the night.

Meditation Recommendation: Confident Mothering

After learning everything there was to know about sleep training, I decided to look into some products out there that could support you and your baby through it. Keeping Suzy Giordano recommendations in mind about the importance of preventing things like SIDs and creating a soothing environment for your baby to sleep, I came across Happiest Baby’s SNOO smart bassinet sleeper that’s proven to not only be the safest bassinet ever made, but to also reduce crying and boost sleep. Seeing how aligned The SNOO is with Suzy’s beliefs ​I decided to reach out and partner with them so that all Expectful users can ​receive 10% off their bassinet. ​That’s over $100 off the original price. ​Want to give your baby the safest bed ever made? Click here and use code EXPECBXFF6 at checkout to get your discount today. ​New parenthood can be a time of great excitement but also one filled with a lot of uncertainty, especially when it comes to things like infant sleep. It’s my hope that providing education around sleep training during this interview with Suzy Giordano helps you to feel empowered throughout your parenthood journey and informs you of the choices you have when it comes to your infants sleep schedule. About Suzy Giordano  Suzy Giordano is the mother of five children, the youngest being fraternal twin boys. Also known as The Baby Coach, Suzy is based in Washington, D.C., and has worked with families across the United States and around the world as a baby sleep specialist for the past twenty-five years. She has trained hundreds and hundreds of babies, from singletons to quadruplets, including special needs and colicky babies, to sleep twelve hours a night. The vast majority of these babies she has trained herself, in person, at the child’s home, not just through phone or email consultations. She resides in southern Virginia with her husband, Allen Baxter.

Pregnancy can be a time of great excitement but also one filled with a lot of uncertainty, especially when it comes to things like what you can and cannot eat. It’s my hope that providing education around nutrition during pregnancy in this interview with Dr. Robin Berzin helps you to feel empowered throughout your pregnancy journey and informs you of the choices you have when it comes to your and your baby’s health. Want to hear what other top experts in the pre and postnatal world have to say? Now, in addition to having access to Expectful’s guided meditations when you sign up at wp.expectful.com, you’ll also receive exclusive interviews like this made specifically for you – delivered straight to your inbox – right when you need it.

Anna Gannon
Anna Gannon
Anna is a mother, writer, and a yoga and meditation teacher. Her work has been featured on The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen and Yoga Today.
