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Fertility Affirmations to Decrease Stress and Improve Self-Worth

Fertility Affirmations to Decrease Stress and Improve Self-Worth

Fertility affirmations when trying to conceive can build feelings of self-worth, confidence, and belief in personal abilities.

Written By
Virginia Furnari

Virginia Furnari

January 31, 2023

At a Glance:

  • Affirmations are positive statements used in repetition to build feelings of confidence, self-worth, and a belief in one’s own personal abilities.
  • Affirmations quiet negative thoughts and self-doubt and are a useful mindfulness tool when trying to conceive.
  • Suggested Meditation: Studio Vibes: Fertility Affirmations | Self-Worth

Affirmations can be a beneficial component of any meditative practice. Whether used in journaling, self-guided private practice, or an expert-led experience (in-studio or virtual), many people find that affirmations are versatile and customizable, but most importantly, they are effective. And when you’re trying to conceive, fertility affirmations can help calm stress and possibly give you just the self-worth boost you need during the journey.

What is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a positive statement, often used in repetition to build feelings of confidence, self-worth, and belief in personal abilities while also quelling negative thoughts and self-doubt. When it comes to conception, pregnancy, and motherhood, these statements are often used to defuse negative feelings of guilt, fear, blame, resentment, and all the other complex emotions that come with the parenting journey. They are also used to foster positivity across the experience, like confidence in mothering, ease in the unknown, and trust in a conception journey. In fact, research shows that stress does impact fertility (read more on that here), so if developing a mindfulness practice based on a set of affirmations helps you decrease these negative emotions, you’re setting yourself up for success.

How to Use an Affirmation

Just like other mindfulness practices, there really is no wrong way to use an affirmation. From writing it to saying it to thinking it, the most important aspect of affirmations is believing the statement.

According to Oge Onye, a birth worker and featured guide on the Expectful app, “affirmations are most effective when it’s more personal and when you continue to believe it, but also when you say it at a space of stillness, calmness, and groundedness. So if you’re stressed or fearful and you’re saying these affirmations, it’s not necessarily matching up to how you’re actually feeling. So it’s the feeling matched with the words that really take hold and soothe not only your fears, but your anxieties and really seep into your consciousness.”

Experiment with the way you use affirmations and understanding what is most effective for you. It seems that what creates a most effective practice, though, is self-belief and stillness. Beginning your meditative moment with a breathing exercise or guided body scan may help you reach the point of flow where the your affirmations may benefit you most.

Another tip that Oge shares is to make these affirmations your own. Play with the wording, seeing what feels right, and make it about your particular situation. These are not prescriptive affirmations; these are foundational statements that you can make even more effective with your personalized touch.

Fertility Affirmations By Topic

These affirmations have been pulled from our new fertility affirmations collection in the Expectful app called, Studio Vibes: Affirmations for Fertility. Oge Onye walks us through several focused meditations that concentrate on the many feelings, reactions, and emotions that come and go (or come and stay) during the trying to conceive process. She has thoughtfully paired multiple affirmation for each focus, allowing you to explore all sides of emotional climb. Here are her expert suggestions:

Want to download these affirmations straight to your device? Click Here


This set of complementary affirmations focuses on confidence, positivity, and self-worth. This can often be an uphill emotional battle for some, so take it slow, breathe, and try your best to believe the sentiments.

I am worthy of a baby.
I free myself of doubt.
My body is a fertile place.


The first thing to do when thinking about forgiveness is ask yourself what you’ve been holding onto? What you’re blaming yourself for? Deeply reflect as it might not have anything to do with trying to conceive a child, but the anxiety is holding you back from living in the moment and accepting worthiness. You are worthy of a baby, and this is your moment to believe it.

I forgive myself.
I love myself.
I am capable, and I am worthy.

Accepting Results

Whether in the waiting phase or dealing with the results of a previous cycle, it can be hard to accept and embrace the journey. With these affirmations, you have a safe space to accept exactly where you are on the journey and affirm your own ability to achieve pregnancy.

I accept whatever arises without judgment.
I embrace whatever arises with unconditional love.
I trust the process.
I am abundantly fertile and I am worthy for this.

Resisting Comparison

In the trying to conceive journey, self-comparison is a beast. “Why was it so easy for them?” “What have I done differently than them?” “Is there something wrong with me?” You’ve heard it before, but let us tell you again: your journey is your own. You are unique and deserving. Rid yourself of resentment, jealousy, or out-right confusion with these complementary affirmations focused on trusting the process and honoring the strength of your mind and body.

I love and I trust my own unique journey.
I release the past and accept whatever the future holds.

Welcoming Fertility

Visualize the future of your pregnancy, and manifest your deepest desires. No matter how long you’ve been trying – one month, two years, or three forevers – you can always open the door to a little more self-love. You are strong and able. Practice that belief with these affirmations.

I am fertile.
My body is able to carry a healthy pregnancy.
My pregnancy will be surrounded and filled with love.

Listen to Fertility Affirmations

Expectful released a brand new meditation collection called, “Studio Vibes: Fertility Affirmations” that walks you through each one of these affirmation pairs. Each practice is less than 30 minutes and begins with a deep breathing exercise to promote a place of calm and stillness. That is the moment your guide, Oge Onye inserts these affirmations and encourages you to sink into belief. Expectful is here for you across your motherhood journey, and it begins with helping you realize your amazing potential as a mother.

Download the App for a 30-Day Free Trial Start Listening Today
Virginia Furnari
Virginia Furnari
Virginia Hamilton Furnari serves as Head of Content at Expectful and has a background in writing, branding, and content production, primarily around fertility, pregnancy, and motherhood. Additionally, and maybe most importantly, she is a mother. Her professional skillset and personal experience with infertility and the journey to parenthood has connected her mind, body, and soul to the Expectful mission.
